Experiential marketing makes us different.

It's the method that inspires all our activities, as it enables us to involve the target and effectively influence the way brands are perceived. We apply it in our works. We want our clients to regard us as a positive experience, resulting from our quickness, efficiency and pragmatism.

No matter your communication need, we can meet it.

Born for communication, moving on all the fields, incorporating non-conventional media and traditional media, online and offline. We design and develop creative solutions, linked to achieve the objectives marketing and return on investment.

CHINA: Home sweet home....

China is our second house. Italian style, combined with Chinese culture: an explosive mix to help our clients (Chineses and Internationals) to "grow" in China and Abroad. Quicker and more flexible than others, we have a mission: help our clients to their success, quickly and best cost-effective way.

Even in word of mouth, we prefer results to words.

Word of mouth marketing has become more and more popular, as it can effectively boost business. IAKI - the first Italian agency to believe in it - organizes WOM programs for its clients and is part of WOMMA, the most authoritative international reference on word of mouth.



IAKI INTERNATIONAL LTD - 111, Queens Road East, Wanchai – Hong Kong – T.+852 3-9733902